Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow day, #2

The bright white of the sun reflecting on the snow means there is no need for regular lights in the house. The sky is Denver blue, a clean clear atmosphere is making for fabulous contrasts both inside and out.

Soup is on the stove and I plan on making some good bread today. All the Christmas things are put away and I feel like I am looking at a new phase in our lives.

My good mood that is with me normally has returned. I am glad to be alive, glad for the life alive inside me and I thank God for the opportunities and love I have. I hope that I can share the good news of happiness and life. I want the negative to shed like a shin and be forgotten. I look up at the blue sky and it seems possible today. To begin anew, have new worlds to work towards and enjoy the ride. Life is about the journey.

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