SO yesterday I did the 10k. I beat my time for last year but I missed my 1:40 goal by 4 minutes. So now I am thinking about why I do these things. I get misty eyed when I see the survivors and their reasons. I have my reasons. I did not attach them to my back this year. I always do it for Michael. And for Mary Beth. I also do it for Marcy and for Suzanne and all those who have beaten it. But I watched the masses of people, 24,000 plus making their way along the street and is a feeling that you are part of something larger than yourself. A mass of people all doing the same thing together. Some people do not do it because of cancer. Some do it for fun, because they like to run 10Ks. I do it because I make a commitment to do it and finish. I make a commitment to finish better than the year before. So although our reasons are different, we still do the same thing. I am so glad to be a part of it. It is amazing watching all those people.
Still I wish I could run like the others do. I wish the pavement would fly by and I could eat up the ground faster and make it happen. My pokey little legs are slow, I am carrying 100 extra pounds and my stride is extremely short. Others can and have walked it faster than I did just by walking.
And sometimes I wonder what is the point of running? Why do it at all? Usually that is around mile 4 or 5, when you are fatigued and want to stop. The runner's high really hasn't hit me yet. But that is okay. I live for the finish line, to hear the people cheer as I cross. That is probably the reason why I do it.